We specialize in elder care facility insurance.
We are the health care insurance broker's broker, providing your agency with quality healthcare insurance products and services for your clients. We specialize in Long Term Care Facilities, Continuous Care Retirement Communities and Skilled Nursing Homes... a market that can be complicated and time-consuming.
Our service team can guide you through the process and get the answers you need quickly. We will be glad to talk with you even if you don't place business through us!
In all 50 of the United States* you can be sure that ProHealthCareMGA is ready to assist you.
*available coverages vary by state
If you are not appointed with us, please go to our Apps & Forms page and complete/submit the Agency Agreement and Agency Profile forms.
If you are already appointed with us and you would like to send us an application, you can send us a form that you have already completed, or you can go to our Apps & Forms page to complete and submit a ProHealthCareMGA form online.
Not all forms are currently interactive or available, so please call our 800 number below, or email us for more information.
(800) 376-7951