Insurance Products
ProHealthCareMGA policy products offer good value in insurance investments.
If your clients are concerned with liability claims and suits our markets provide coverages specifically designed for long term healthcare facilities. Various limits of insurance and coverage options allow you to customize a program for them.
Need "Nose" coverage?
Do you have a facility currently written on a Claims-Made form with an excellent track record that would value Occurrence coverage instead?
ProHealthCareMGA offers a conversion (“nose”) product for Professional Liability, General Liability and Employee Benefit Liability coverage for “for-profit” and “not-for-profit” senior and rehabilitation facilities. This “nose” coverage is offered with a one time limit of insurance regardless of the claims made retroactive date. To see if your submission will qualify for conversion coverage please submit an Acord application for commercial general liability, a professional liability application, a copy of the current claims-made carrier’s policy (must be A rated), and currently valued loss runs for the current year and previous five years.
Our property form offers broad coverages. Here are the highlights:
Replacement Cost
Building Ordinance
Equipment Breakdown
Property Damage and Time Element
Hazardous Substance
Perishable Goods
“Bucket” Limit per Occurrence
Property in Transit
Newly Acquired Buildings
Newly Acquired Personal Property
Claims Expense
Food Contamination
Lock Replacement
...and many additional coverage features and enhancements that give your facility administrators the type of coverage and limits they need.

General Liability is available on an occurrence basis
Defense is available within the limit or outside the limit
Limits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000
Optional limits of $2,000,000/$4,000,000
Medical Payments at $5,000/$25,000 aggregate
Fire Damage Liability up to $50,000
Evacuation expense of $25,000 with optional higher limits available
Legal/Media expense reimbursement up to $25,000
Sexual Misconduct
Occurrence coverage available
Limits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000
Optional limits of $2,000,000/$4,000,000
Optional coverage for Beauticians, Barbers, Professional Pastoral Counseling and Patients’ Rights

PHC offers a creative form that combines coverage for D&O and EPLI. With Defense Outside the Limit it truly is unique. Deductibles are managed carefully based on the facility so that they are not a burden to your client. We offer excellent value.
Fiduciary liability may be included. We write all sizes of facilities and our capacity is $5,000,000. Higher limits are available. Our experts will visit your clients with you. Our services in this line of business will truly add to your competitive advantage.

PHC can provide a market for non emergency vehicles. Our automobile application will help guide you through the collection of information we need to quote.

PHC can provide workers compensation.
Call for more information or email rosemary@prohealthcaremga.com